
The 2022 Holberg Debate w/ John Mearsheimer and Carl Bildt: Ukraine, Russia, China and the West
Published : 01-12-2022 | View : 1,662,025 | Duration : 02:45:20
Channel : Holberg Prize | like : 10,917 | dislike : 0
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Description :
09:37 Event starts: Welcome by the Holberg Prize Chair, Professor Kjersti Fløttum. 12:15 Introduction by Cecilie Hellestveit. 16:08 Opening remarks by Carl Bildt. 32:46 Opening remarks by John. J. Mearsheimer. 56:53 Moderated discussion. 2:32:36 Closing remarks by Carl Bildt. 2:36:13 Closing remark...

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